Sunday, 22 March 2015

Vote for Bob by supporting UKIP

Dear ‘Bob’ supporter

Coincidentally the name of my first dog was Bob, a very lively collie rather than a red squirrel.
Please be assured that I am an avid supporter of the countryside and live myself in a semi rural part of Calder Valley which I treasure greatly.
I get very angry when trees are cut down, especially with out permissions and without undertaking the required wildlife surveys.

UKIP Housing Spokesman Andrew Charalambous said, “We talk straight I want it to be known categorically that we will protect the British countryside not only by undoing the bogus Tory localism of imposing untenable housing targets on local authorities but by scraping HS2 and putting an end in the UK to one of the biggest scams in history, the EU wind farm project.”
“Believing in Britain means not concreting the best countryside in the world to make up for the fact that Labour, Lib Dems and Conservatives have failed to plan and prepare for their open door immigration policies.”

Along with the Royal Family, Shakespeare and the NHS, the countryside is what we Britons feel most proud of. Defending the integrity of our landscape and the beauty of our country side is just as important to me as defending our independence from the EU. Incidentally one of our UKIP Council ward candidates works for local wildlife trusts in his spare time.
I hope I can count on your support on 7th May
Kind regards
Paul Rogan, UKIP PPC, Calder Valley, Office:- 01422 370 849, Mobile- 07785 220300

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch UKIP, both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.

Saturday, 21 March 2015


In response to the many hundreds of emails i am receiving on the subject, please find my general reply to all those who have written to me,

"I have received many hundreds of emails on this subject and apologise that I cannot write to each individually.
External polls and my own canvass returns say that the NHS is the single most important issue to electors at the present time.

Of course I fully support the NHS, funded through general taxation and for it to remain free at the point of delivery and need.

I have recently delivered a speech on the NHS and it is available for all to access on my blog (Political Eye)

Some emails have also referred to TTIP and a number of people have already contacted me regarding this matter separately.

I have once again already posted the following response on my Blog and Facebook pages so that my views are in the public domain.

‘I have grave reservations about the nature of the deal and those who are conducting negotiations on behalf of the UK. Having said that, I generally favour free trade arrangements. However, UKIP would not give blanket support to any deal and would either vote against or support individual elements of any proposals on the basis of what is good for the UK.

The NHS should, in our view specifically be excluded from any deal and, whilst Brussels negotiators have come out and said this is also their understanding, we have seen before that what is said and done in Brussels is often not the same thing.

The ideal situation would be for the UK to be outside of the EU and to be negotiating a deal of our own with the USA.’

If there any specific issues you would like me to address, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

I am sure you will all be aware that UKIP has promised an extra £3billion into front line NHS services.

I hope I can count on your support on 7th May"

This is yet another issue issue which just confirms what we all know, Britain would be a better place outside of the EU and making our own trade deals and other arrangements in the world

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch  UKIP,
both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015


It is well known UKIP policy to encourage a Grammar School in every town if the residents so desire. Grammar Schools are not however the only and simple answer for all our needs. They are a statement of a policy to move towards an education system, geared to providing all our young people with a specialist and more focused education for each of their separate and individual needs. A one size fits all is NOT fit for purpose in today’s 21st Century world. 

Grammar Schools are just a first step on a path of streaming young people in learning environments which are focused and equipped to bring out the best in them and to hone their individual talents into career opportunities. Those top 1,000 or so young people who are talented enough to become major league footballers, deserve the right to a specialist education in just the same way as those gifted in foreign languages or physics.

What I am saying is, that although I believe it is essential to educate our most academically gifted, irrespective of their back grounds or how much their parent’s earn, focused learning paths for all talents are required. Equipping all our young people to be properly qualified to get the best jobs which match their talents is what education is all about. Education means training and preparing our young people for their futures. Skills and courses in practical trades are as equally essential as Academic Schools or Artistic Institutes. I would suggest that the only reason we now need to import plumbers from Poland is because we failed to train our own talented youngsters in the past.

On a broader and more general note, I believe that basic reading and writing skills are essential before any student should be allowed to leave the education system, irrespective of age. I also believe that basic educational needs can be best delivered in small classes where youngsters who are getting a little behind their peers, can have concerted lessons in basic English reading, writing and arithmetic.
We must likewise nurture the British ability to be entrepreneurs, whether the required ability is intellectual, engineering, scientific or practical. All of our Nation’s talents must be afforded equal respect and equal resources. To be a qualified ‘Herr Doktor Engineur’ in Germany is a pinnacle of achievement; the same should be so here. We automatically respect a Professor of English at Oxford, equally we should respect a Doctor of Engineering at Cambridge.

I hear teachers say they are fed up with, ‘another Government, another set of new initiatives’. What Education needs in my view, is a lot more stability. A Student’s learning starts at age 5 and should continue to 18 at least. Continually changing systems and curricula within this 13 years period is most unhelpful and is not conducive to good learning. I made this point recently at the NUT hosted Question Time at Calder High, the audience did not seem to agree; very many have contacted me since my remarks were reported in the Halifax Courier to applaud what I said. It is common sense; it is what UKIP stands for.

UKIP would introduce an option for students to take an Apprenticeship Qualification, instead of four non-GCSE’s which could be continued through to A level.

Students could take up apprenticeships in jobs with certified professionals who are qualified to grade the progress of the student.

Subject to academic performance, UKIP will remove tuition fees entirely for students taking approved degrees in science, technology, medicine, engineering or maths on the condition that they live, work and pay tax in the UK for 5 years after completing their degrees.

We would scrap the target of 50% of school leavers going to university. University isn’t the answer for every one. It’s just one form of higher education, no better or worse than an Institute for Arts or a Sports College.

Students from EU countries would pay the same fees as any other international students.

UKIP supports the principle of Free Schools that are open to the whole community and uphold British values.

Schools would be investigated by OFSTED on the presentation of a petition to the Department of Education signed by 25% of parents or governors. This measure to ensure that schools can not hi-jacked by radical or other elements who do not teach British values.

And, in closing, as I mentioned in my opening remarks, existing schools will be allowed to apply to become Grammar Schools and select according to ability and aptitude. Selection ages would be flexible and determined by the school in conjunction with the Local Authority. This representing the first steps in a more individual and less comprehensive attitude to education.

Paul Rogan, UKIP PPC Calder Valley, GE2015.

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch UKIP, both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.

Friday, 13 March 2015

100 seats, set to the tune of 100 yds.

In my (much) younger days we used to sing a folk song called a 100 yds. It was about the 100 yds stagger home from the pub. Well oiled of course.
Here are today’s Political 100s.

100 Labour seats most at risk by UKIP

100 Conservative seats most at risk from UKIP

100 most marginal seats

100 seats UKIP are targeting.

Anybody out there got any conclusions?

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

10 questions from Candidate Hub.

These were my replies:-

1. Obviously our goal is to strengthen the relationship between voters and candidates, but what do you plan to do in order to make sure you remain ‘in touch’ with the electorate? 
Continue to live in Stainland and keep in touch with electors like I learned how to do when Councillor for Rastrick ward.

2. What makes you the best candidate for this constituency?  
I am old, have got all the T shirts going but have a 15 year old son who keeps me in touch with the young, our future.

3a. What has the current Member achieved that you believe has been successful?  
Kept Labour and their disastrous policies away over the last 5 years.

4.  In your opinion, is austerity working? What should we take from the state of the economy during this Government’s tenure? 
Cuts, the old word for ‘ difficult choices’ are never going to be easy. Do we want to end up like Greece having to go cap in hand to other countries?

5. Does (legal) immigration need more limitations or is it vital for the UK? 
Immigration is good but has to be properly monitored and encouraged only in the best interests of the UK. The UK should not be the free ‘Disney Land’ and soft touch of the world.

6. Many people are concerned about the cost of living in the UK, with wages having failed to rise in line with the price of food, energy and rent in recent years. How can this be corrected? 
By limiting immigration and cheap labour as previous question.

7. How would you like to see the NHS change in the future in order to become more successful?
I do not think the question of the NHS should become a political football. The NHS should become an apolitical matter. That will the most healthy change we could give our NHS.

8. What measures do you think need to be taken to decrease unemployment, particularly youth unemployment and those who have never been employed? 
Better training, better schools, elevating technical and engineering qualifications to the same levels as academic ones. Focusing on talents rather than forcing young people into a ‘comprehensive’ pool which is failing too many. There is LOTS to do; more than I can write here in a few words.

9. Does the lack of diversity in Parliament equate to a lack of representation?
No more than a 2nd House which is un-elected and a voting system which is Neanderthal.

10 . If an EU Referendum were to take place, how would you encourage your constituents to vote and why?
Not to be afraid of a life outside of the EU. Is New Zealand, only a very small country, a non entity in a world outside of the EU? I think NOT!

The link to their website is here/

Susan, Geoffrey and Paul

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Our voting system belongs to a Banana Republic, not the Mother of Parliaments

It's time to see the end of the failing Electoral Commission

UKIP leader Nigel Farage today called for the abolition and replacement of the Electoral Commission. He was speaking at the party's South West Spring Conference in Torquay when he made his demand.

"The Electoral Commission is failing in all its key duties" he said.

"It has allowed the electoral register to shrink at a time of rising population. It has sanctioned joke and spoiler parties, which only last year had a material impact on the outcome of the European Elections, costing UKIP at least two seats. The Electoral Commission's creation was brought about to stop exactly these sorts of issues and ensure the transparent and proper operation of democracy. It has acted in a seemingly partial way when it comes to electoral donations, letting the Liberal Democrats get away with a £2.4m gift from a criminal, whilst chasing UKIP through the Supreme Court over an administrative oversight.

"And it has presided over wholesale and avoidable fraud in the postal voting system, skewing results in many seats across the country and permitting intimidation of voters and the distortion of electoral outcomes. These are the sorts of democratic failings that would make even a banana republic blush.

"Yes, it is true that many of these impacts are specifically targeted at UKIP, but that is neither here nor there.

"It is a failed and deeply unaccountable institution and needs to be completely removed and replaced."

Friday, 6 March 2015


A number of people have contacted me about this.

I have grave reservations about the nature of the deal and those who are conducting negotiations on behalf of the UK. Having said that, I generally favour free trade arrangements. However, UKIP would not give blanket support to any deal and would either vote against or support individual elements of any proposals on the basis of what is good for the UK.

The NHS should, in our view specifically be excluded from any deal and, whilst Brussels negotiators have come out and said this is also their understanding, we have seen before that what is said and done in Brussels is often not the same thing.

The ideal situation would be for the UK to be outside of the EU and to be negotiating a deal of our own with the USA.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Immigration - We are no longer an Island

Our benefits system was designed for and by an Island People, but we are no longer an Island.
Immigration is not the problem, uncontrolled borders is the problem. We welcome people with the skills and talents which this country requires. We should properly compensate those invited immigrants who come here to work, irrespective of where they come from. Our present subsidies are designed to be a safety net for our own citizens, not a Disney Land of freebies for the Benefit Tourists. All our benefits arrangements, and indeed all other systems in this country, were developed and put in place with an ‘island mentality’. Naturally, for thousands of years, we have only needed to develop systems with such a mentality. On the Continent their systems are different, based on generations of shifting borders and easily crossed frontiers; a ‘continental mentality’ is quite different to ours. Oil and water simply don’t mix.

It is hateful, manipulative and politically irresponsible to label any discussion on Immigration as Racist. Concerns about the unfettered movement or invasions of peoples from other countries into this country are widely held and it is quite right that such concerns are brought into public debate. Being against ‘Benefit Tourists’ is not racist, it is common sense economics. Great Britain is historically a melting pot of many races; Danes, Flemish, French, Irish, Scots, Angles and Saxons. Today’s pot of ethnic Britons, since expansions in the 18th and 19th Centuries includes all the races in the world. Just consider.
·        Is it fair that someone who comes here from another Country to work can claim child benefits and send those UK taxpayer subsidised benefits directly to another country?
·        Is it fair that foreign visitors, or those who have just settled here, should have the benefit of our Health Service before they have paid a single penny into the system?
If you do happen to think this is fair and acceptable, trying going as a Brit to any other country in the world and try to get free at the point of delivery care from an overseas health service. I for one have had such experiences; before I ever saw a clinician I had to prove to an administrator how I was going to pay for the medical care I might require and receive.

The first duty of anyone in public office is to protect their indigenous people first. It is also the view of every single Nation in the world; it would appear, except ours.
We do have an appropriate word to describe wishing to care for one’s own people foremost, it is ‘Home Guard’. It is a term well known to us as it was used, albeit in a different way during the last war. However it accurately describes how most other countries do things and it makes such good common sense.

Being a member of the EU is an open door to economic migrants, mostly from former communist countries in Europe where living standards have always been and remain well below our own. We are presently being invaded by economic migrants and benefits tourists. UKIP would leave the EU and take back control of our borders. In accordance with UKIP’s Military Covenant, all those who have served in our Armed forces for 12 years or more would be guaranteed a job in The Border Force or other law enforcement services.

Work permits would be issued to fill skills gaps in the UK jobs market. We want to help create good paying jobs, develop our industries and add to a healthy and vibrant economy. This country has always welcomed immigrants with special skills; in my own industry we welcomed religious and political refugees who had skills in weaving and textiles. My own family arrived as the labour force required to dig canals and build viaducts. As in the past, those coming to work here should have a job to go to and a command of English; they should have agreed accommodation prior to arrival and have NHS approved health insurance. We have much to offer in return for those coming here who will contribute to our society. Migrants would be offered in and out of work benefits after they had contributed to tax and National Insurance after just 5 years and would be eligible to apply for permanent residence after only 10 years in work. UKIP welcomes foreign spouses under the primary purpose rule which would be re-instated. However we do not propose to offer any amnesty to illegal migrants or to those who have obtained entry by fraud. UKIP entirely supports and would adhere to the UN Convention on Refugees which serves to protect the vulnerable.

The Conservative Home Secretary said ‘’badly managed migration has led to serious social impacts in some areas, with pressure being placed on key public services such as schools, the health service, transport, housing and welfare.” She clearly understands the problem, why has she done nothing about it? Latest immigration figures show well over a million people came to this country over the last 2 years to September 2014. (ONS 624,000 people immigrated to the UK in the year ending September 2014, a statistically significant increase from 530,000 in the previous 12 months).That’s OFFICIALLY over 1.1 million immigrants. How many more are here unofficially? The fact is the Government’s hands are tied; tied by Brussels. The answer is a no brain’er. Nobody in UKIP spoke about immigration until 2004 when the EU flood gates were opened. It is these flood gates which must be shut.
It seems Labour understands the problem too, their Shadow Home Secretary said, “employers and recruitment agencies are exploiting immigration or using zero-hours contracts to undercut local wages and jobs.” Instead of pressing for business and taxpayers to increase wages by law to a ‘living wage’ (New speak for a higher minimum wage), why don’t they tackle the problem of depressed wages at source? They won’t even allow a referendum on the matter. This is the ultimate arrogance. This seems to me and many others as ‘brainlessness’ on one side of the House of Commons, and ‘arrogance’ on the other. Is it any wonder the people are losing faith in the present political elite?

You all know that I am sure that I think supporting UKIP is the best thing to do for Britain.
And, on May 7th the people will decide. Either by casting their votes or by staying at home and letting others decide for them.

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch UKIP, both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Heb-Web Questions

The HebWeb ( ) has covered each general election since 1997, and
wrote to pose 6 questions to each of the 2015 candidates for Calder Valley. 

I think this local information resource is excellent and all involved with it should be highly complimented for their work and efforts.

My own answers to their questions are as follows. If my views provoke debate; then I am happy. If they provoke more people to go and exercise their votes on May 7th, I am delighted, irrespective if they vote for me or for another.

The questions

1.     If elected, would your party stop the threatened closure of A&E in Calderdale?
There is no simple answer to this question and politician’s one-liners or party sound bites are not helpful either. All aspects of the NHS, including A+E services, should not be used as a football for scoring party political points. I want the best health service we can afford, available free at the point of need. If anyone is interested in reading my views in greater detail, they are on my blog, 6th February.

2.     As an MP would you argue for or against continuing policies of economic austerity?
My son is 15 years old and unless something is done to reduce the deficit, he and his generation will never be free of debt. Also, I do not want him to have to go crawling on his knees for German handouts like Greece. Savings have to be made, essential services have to be maintained and investments have to be targeted in order to improve living standards and regenerate wealth creating industries, especially in the North of England. As an MP I would consider each issue separately on its individual and relative merits. Naturally I will favour measures which will most benefit Calder Valley.

3. To what extent would regional devolution help overcome the North South divide?
The North-South divide will not be solved in the slightest by regionalism or devolution. It will only be addressed by positively investing more money in the north than presently is the case. Dividing up England into bite sized Regions, more easily incorporated into the Federal EU is not something I could ever agree with, whatever tempting ‘sweetie shop’ promises might be on offer. UKIP has identified very many regeneration projects in the North of England which are geared to economic stimulus and improving the living standards and quality of life ‘up north’.

4. Human-induced climate change is now accepted as fact by scientists and most politicians. What urgent steps would candidates take to bring us back from the brink?
Climate change is perhaps the most serious issue in the world, especially for those younger than I am who will have to live in a world which will be more poisoned and polluted than the one I grew up in. This problem has to be dealt with at the highest levels internationally; I would campaign tirelessly to address this problem. We must all do what we can to preserve this earth; it’s the only one we have!

5. Is Britain’s future in Europe?
Great Britain and Ireland are part of Europe and will always remain so. However, I assume the question is really, what is our future with the EU. My view is that the UK’s position in the world will become more prosperous and secure by re-asserting that we are an independent Kingdom. We seek and desire the best trading relationships possible with all the nations in the world, especially English speaking ones and with the EU like that of Turkey’s.

6. Calder High was described by the last Secretary of State for Education as the worst school building he had ever seen. How confident are candidates that any government they are part of would rebuild those schools in our area which urgently need rebuilding.
Very confident. Funds released from scrapping HS2 would be used to regenerate the North by investing in the North.

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch UKIP, both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.