Tuesday, 28 April 2015

MPs, Hang them all!

A Hung Parliament.  
The Media and the two main Establishment Parties are always seeking one Party Majorities and putting such negative connotations on them, (I wonder why that could be?) BUT
I’m still voting for one!
Hung out to dry;
Hung up to die
Both sound bad but let us not forget that 2000 years ago two establishment forces, The Roman Empire and the Sanhedrin, hung Jesus on a cross to die. BUT none can deny that He was a force for change and good.
Hung Drawn and Quartered……… NOW
That sounds like a good idea to me for the next Parliament. AND
Once the parliament is HUNG……
           Let’s see if it can be QUARTERED

A Healthier Democracy
Just like a Healthy Meal, wouldn’t our democracy be all the healthier if voters were more accurately represented in Parliament, and the Government held better to account by MPs who were more politically diverse?
Rather than calling a Parliament where no one party has an over-all majority ‘hung’, lets call it a ‘balanced’ Parliament instead.
UKIP wants proportional representation; I personally prefer Direct Party Representative (DRS) system. This system has the advantage of being easy to understand, easy to count, inexpensive to implement and still maintains an MP to Constituency link whilst still giving a proper weight to electors votes for a particular party.
Under our present system the Tories need a 10 % lead over Labour in the general polls to have an overall majority. Labour needs just 1-2% over the Tories to have one. UKIP might enjoy 17% of the popular vote generally and yet have only one Westminster seat. The system is hardly fair and, explains why so few people turn out to vote is some constituencies.

Less Flip-Floppery.
In the event of ‘balanced’ parliaments becoming the norm, institutions, civil servants, the media and politicians would all have to act very differently; in fact more responsibly. Politicians would need to act more like political animals than those frightened dogs whipped into obedience which presently are the case. A ‘balanced’ parliament means more stability and better decisions over the long term. Policies would have to be negotiated and compromises made in order to gain a broad consensus before any long term decisions and legislation. The trident replacement, Heathrow enlargement, NHS funding and organisation and, of course HS2 to name but a few!
A strong vote for UKIP may not win a seat in every constituency on this may 7th BUT it will make a massive difference everywhere.

Paul Rogan, UKIP PC, Calder Valley
Office:- 01422 370 849, Mobile:- 07785 220300

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch  UKIP,

both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.


At 28 April 2015 at 00:18 , Blogger Vivo Esq said...

They are nothing new. We voted for one in 1974 and they evolved in '76 and '96.


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