Dear Josh
Dear Josh,
In response to your email.
This is not a horse race between your team and the blue team, it
is a horse trade.
You are both as bad as each other, promising the world and
unable to deliver anything.
I am sick of hearing you and the ‘blue team’ continually trying
to out bid each other with goodies. Your ‘Red Team’ are most guilty of
promising more and better ‘sweeties’ if voters support your ‘Disney Land’
rather than the Tories ‘Centre Parks’. I will be sad if people fall for such
blatant electioneering, but I accept that they may do.
The only vote which will free the British people from the
shackles of the EU and likes of you and Whittaker is a vote for UKIP.
Our Peoples Revolution may not happen tomorrow but it will
happen and, when it does it will sweep all the old establishment power games,
such as yours, into history.
I pray that day comes soon. The air will smell much sweeter.
Yours and Labour’s tactic to ‘weaponise’ the NHS is disgraceful
and disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself for playing poker with our
Nation’s Treasure.
Whilst on the subject of weapons, your personal stance to leave
this country defenceless and without a proper deterrent is quite irresponsible
and demonstrates how easily you are influenced by the ‘loony left’ and how
immature your politics and your knowledge of history are.
Frankly I am surprised that you have written to me personally,
giving me this opportunity to respond, also personally and directly. This may
have been a mistake in your administration, however I prefer to believe that
there is perhaps some spark of destiny in this action and that one day soon,
you may also feel that the ‘Independent’ way is the only way to protect the
freedoms, liberties and living standards of the British People which you claim
so fervently to support.
Kind regards
Rogan, UKIP PC, Calder Valley
01422 370 849, Mobile:- 07785 220300
Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of
himself & Calderdale Branch UKIP,
both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.
I'm a retired psychiatric nurse; last worked
for the NHS in 2003. Labour failed to recruit nurses then, and wrecked the NHS
with over-spending on multi-layered management, and using vast
numbers of incompetent agency nursing assistants, each costing more than a
qualified nurse. And then there was PFI.
Labour are guilty of hypocrisy and empty promises.
Your reply was excellent. Regards, Pete.
Thats good stuff Paul, like it. Needs to be made more public. Robert.
Well he gave you an opportunity, you took it and what a reply! I forwarded to Mike and he was impressed too. I rather suspect though that the likes of Josh are not only thick, but also thick skinned! Lisa.
Thanks Paul very well responded. David
Thats good stuff Paul, like it. Needs to be made more public. Robert.
Well he gave you an opportunity, you took it and what a reply! I forwarded to Mike and he was impressed too. I rather suspect though that the likes of Josh are not only thick, but also thick skinned! Lisa.
Thanks Paul very well responded. David
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