Thursday, 23 April 2015

Fair Fuel

In response to a circular email from the Fair Fuel campaign,

I have sent the following response:-

Of course I support a fairer fuel taxation.
I have been a commercial traveller all my life and I know that the cost of fuel to visit my customers is a massive expense.

I do not agree that UKIP does not support motorists.
We have stated that speed cameras should only be used for road safety and not for cash generation.
UKIP will end road tolls wherever possible
We oppose ‘pay as you go’ road charging systems
We would support British HGV drivers by charging foreign lorries extra to use our roads.
UKIP would roll back the VED exemption for classic vehicles to 25 years.

We are seeking to reduce energy bills generally by supporting ‘fracking’.

I hope I can count on your support on May 7th.
The other Parties have turned their back on motorists for decades. Isn’t time to give some one else a chance?

We believe in Britain.

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch  UKIP,

both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.

The full email is as follows:-

I, and 1.1m supporters of the FairFuelUK Campaign, simply do not know why your Party has not mentioned any positive policy news for 32m motorists in your Party's Manifesto. From your Party's silence, I can only assume your Party if elected will indeed be increasing Fuel Duty on top of the highest tax take in the EU that we already now pay to the Exchequer.

FairFuelUK has shown to the Treasury that stable pump prices, cutting duty and recent fortuitous lower global oil prices has put £10bn back into consumer spending power. Jobs are increasing, GDP is up and inflation almost zero. It's no coincidence that these welcome economic benefits have taken place with fuel prices considerably lower than 12 months ago and with Labour's previously planned fuel tax hikes being stopped. So, please tell me what is your Party's position on the future of Fuel Duty levels and also what is your own personal position when it comes to supporting motorists and commercial drivers in your constituency?

I also want to know why your Party has not supported FairFuelUK's call for a full and transparent CMA inquiry into pricing at the pumps. We continue to fleeced by unknown commercial bodies when oil price changes are not accurately reflected both in terms of timing and fair amounts. I really do appreciate your time to answer these questions.

Please let me know your answers to my questions as soon as possible, as how you respond may well influence the way I vote on May 7th.

Lawrence wrote:- Thank you for your prompt reply, however you have completely failed to answer any of the questions which were contained in the original e.mail, those being future duty levels, and an enquiry into pricing at the pumps. I am very interested in a direct reply to these points instead of replying with other points your party supports.
I replied:- I support your aims in principle, as I have said in my opening remarks.
I am unable to give specific support to any campaign proposals which have not been fully costed and incorporated into our budget and fiscal plans.

I am sure you agree aware that it is very unlikely that UKIP will win in Calder Valley, we are presently running at only 14% in the polls. However, I am sure you will appreciate that any promises we make are ones we can deliver.

Unlike my opponents who promise everybody what they want and then, in my view, will not be able to deliver on their promises!


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