Non Binary Rights
In response to an email requesting my support on comments on this campaign, please find the information exchange as follows:-
Dear Jess
Thank you very much indeed for your personal response.
I really appreciate this, as I am sure you can imagine, I
receive many hundreds of emails per day since I have declared as a
Parliamentary Candidate.
I do try to answer each email (or other contact) and many times
this has to be in a ‘standard’ form.
Much as would like to support your cause generally I am sorry to
say I cannot give such blanket support as you are asking.
I have much sympathy with your views and could support some of
the issues you are campaigning for.
My over-riding difficulty is that I am very much against more
functionaries and more rules and more administrations of all of our lives.
The British People have to carry too many of these
‘facilitators’ who, after a very short time, start to extract expenses,
allowances and other costs which taxpayers must bear.
Much of what you seek will mean more ‘officers’, cost more money
and require more (hated) administrators and consultant generated guidelines.
Why can’t we all live together in concert and at peace with each
other without all this costly bull###t.?
I am really not against the freedoms and liberties you are
calling for; I just think today’s world is a complicated one and we should try
to find ways forward rather than play the age old ‘political’ game of ‘thrones’
which the ‘establishment’ parties force us all into fighting.
Come the ‘People’s Revolution’, we will all sit down together
and common sense will prevail.
Best wishes
From: UK Trans Info []
Sent: 21 April 2015 20:11
To: 'Paul Rogan'
Subject: RE: Support non-binary rights by making our pledge!
Sent: 21 April 2015 20:11
To: 'Paul Rogan'
Subject: RE: Support non-binary rights by making our pledge!
Dear Paul,
Many thanks for your email. I can understand why you may feel
that us contacting you is “a bit tongue in cheek” but I can assure you that is
not the case. We are contacting every single candidate that we are able to,
regardless of party. We’ve currently had 574 pledges – that’s 14% of all
candidates - many from candidates who also feel that they are unlikely to
win. At time of writing we have had pledges from ten UKIP candidates. You can
see a party breakdown here:
We don’t believe that it is pointless for candidates with a slim
chance of winning to make our pledge. Every person who makes our pledge is helping
to raise awareness. When we try to get these issues dealt with in the next five
years we can point back and show people that 14% of candidates made our pledge,
or 25%, or perhaps even more and that will have an impact especially given
cross party support. It also gives people from throughout the UK a rough idea
of how the party as a whole handles these issues.
Therefore, even if it is unlikely that you will win, please will
you make our pledge?
I pledge:- to support expanding the
definitions in Equality Act 2010 to ensure all non-binary people are
- to support reviewing the
Gender Recognition Act, with a view to bringing the UK in line with the statement
on Identity Recognition issued by the World Professional Association
for Transgender Health (WPATH) in January 2015.
- to support the
introduction of non gender-specific X passports, and removing the
requirement for a doctors letter when changing the gender marker on a
Best wishes
UK Trans Info –
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From: Paul Rogan []
Sent: 21 April 2015 19:34
To: 'UK Trans Info'
Subject: RE: Support non-binary rights by making our pledge!
Sent: 21 April 2015 19:34
To: 'UK Trans Info'
Subject: RE: Support non-binary rights by making our pledge!
Dear Elector,
Thank you very much for emailing me. I really do appreciate
just how many people are engaged in the democratic process generally, a subject
so very dear to my heart, and the upcoming election in particular.
UKIP are presently averaging 14% of the popular vote and,
whilst this is a wonderful increase on where we were at the last General
Election, we all know this not likely to translate into very many Westminster
seats under the present voting system. So, let’s all take a reality check.
I am very unlikely to win in Calder Valley. Whilst miracles
do happen and, whilst I think I would be a much better Constituency MP than all
of my opponents, we must both accept that your particular email to me is a bit
tongue in cheek and therefore my response must reflect the unlikelihood (sadly)
that on 8th May I will not be able to put my shoulder behind your
particular campaign or cause, even if I wanted to.
As a student of history, I find the 8th of May a
particularly interesting date when, after what will have been a hard fought
election campaign:-
One, two, three or even more Parties will be haggling over a
coalition agreement (pact or whatever you want to call it), which can only at
best ‘mirror’ the inadequacies of the Treaty of Versailles.
Please, therefore allow me to make a few personal points
about why I am standing, and putting myself in the firing line for UKIP.
Our Hearts are true
Our Policies are sensible and predicated on the
best interests of our fellow citizens
Our resources are limited (very limited)
We are not professional politicians
We may sometimes get things wrong, but will
always admit our mistakes
We are people just like you; with passions,
opinions and concerns
We are trying to make a difference; the
‘Establishment’ is our adversary and they are strong.
I have considered and included specific answers to the
many and various issues, like yours, which have been brought to my attention
during the campaign. They are to be found on my public blog site, Political
Eye. (
I would really welcome any and all comments or thoughts
on this discussion forum. If your specific concern has not already been
addressed, please ‘wrap my knuckles’ and I will attend to it immediately.
Whilst our battle against the Establishment will not be
easy and, you may not agree with me or with UKIP on every issue, may I please
never the less seek your support on 7th May. With luck we will get a
‘Hung Parliament’ and therefore a better chance to see a better democracy in
our Country. Unless you are entirely happy with the status quo, the best chance
for change is to support UKIP.
As at April first, and this is no joke, I have received
leaflets from the ‘Establishment’ as follows:-
3 plus 1 advert in a local magazine
Where does all the money come from to fund such mass
infiltration of our letter boxes?
Doesn’t the piper always call the tune? Isn’t it really
dishonest to tell us that he doesn’t?
With kindest regards and thanks for your contact
Rogan, UKIP PC, Calder Valley
01422 370 849, Mobile:- 07785 220300
Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of
himself & Calderdale Branch UKIP,
both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.
From: UK Trans Info []
Sent: 21 April 2015 19:05
Subject: Support non-binary rights by making our pledge!
Sent: 21 April 2015 19:05
Subject: Support non-binary rights by making our pledge!
Non-binary is an umbrella term for people who don't identify entirely as only male or only female, including non-gendered people. Despite roughly 1 in every 250 people being non-binary, there is very little protection for them. That's over quarter of a million people in the UK being treated unfairly by the law.
UK Trans Info have joined up with eight non-binary organisations to ask that candidates in this year's general election acknowledge this and start making changes by taking the following pledge.
I pledge:
- to support expanding the
definitions in Equality Act 2010 to ensure all non-binary people are
- to support reviewing the
Gender Recognition Act, with a view to bringing the UK in line with the statement
on Identity Recognition issued by the World Professional Association
for Transgender Health (WPATH) in January 2015.
- to support the
introduction of non gender-specific X passports, and removing the
requirement for a doctors letter when changing the gender marker on a
There are three easy ways to register your pledge:
Option 1: Simply reply to this email confirming that you make the pledge and with any short comment you want to make, and our administrators will display your pledge on our website as soon as possible.
Option 2: If you are on Twitter, send a tweet to @UKTransInfo confirming that you want to make a pledge. Your tweet(s) will be displayed on our website once they have been processed by an administrator.
Option 3: Visit our campaign website at and make your pledge there. You will then need to make sure you click the link in the confirmation email.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this and considering supporting our campaign. We are more than happy to engage further if you have any questions or concerns.
Kind regards
Beyond the Binary, Mx Activist. Mx It Up. Nonbinary Inclusion Project. Non-Binary Scotland. Non-Binary South West. Non-Gendered, Practical Androgyny and UK Trans Info
This is a one-off email from UK Trans Info that has been sent to you as our records indicate you are a Potential Parliamentary Candidate in this year's General Election. You do not need to unsubscribe as this is a one-off email.
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