Monday, 2 March 2015

Heb-Web Questions

The HebWeb ( ) has covered each general election since 1997, and
wrote to pose 6 questions to each of the 2015 candidates for Calder Valley. 

I think this local information resource is excellent and all involved with it should be highly complimented for their work and efforts.

My own answers to their questions are as follows. If my views provoke debate; then I am happy. If they provoke more people to go and exercise their votes on May 7th, I am delighted, irrespective if they vote for me or for another.

The questions

1.     If elected, would your party stop the threatened closure of A&E in Calderdale?
There is no simple answer to this question and politician’s one-liners or party sound bites are not helpful either. All aspects of the NHS, including A+E services, should not be used as a football for scoring party political points. I want the best health service we can afford, available free at the point of need. If anyone is interested in reading my views in greater detail, they are on my blog, 6th February.

2.     As an MP would you argue for or against continuing policies of economic austerity?
My son is 15 years old and unless something is done to reduce the deficit, he and his generation will never be free of debt. Also, I do not want him to have to go crawling on his knees for German handouts like Greece. Savings have to be made, essential services have to be maintained and investments have to be targeted in order to improve living standards and regenerate wealth creating industries, especially in the North of England. As an MP I would consider each issue separately on its individual and relative merits. Naturally I will favour measures which will most benefit Calder Valley.

3. To what extent would regional devolution help overcome the North South divide?
The North-South divide will not be solved in the slightest by regionalism or devolution. It will only be addressed by positively investing more money in the north than presently is the case. Dividing up England into bite sized Regions, more easily incorporated into the Federal EU is not something I could ever agree with, whatever tempting ‘sweetie shop’ promises might be on offer. UKIP has identified very many regeneration projects in the North of England which are geared to economic stimulus and improving the living standards and quality of life ‘up north’.

4. Human-induced climate change is now accepted as fact by scientists and most politicians. What urgent steps would candidates take to bring us back from the brink?
Climate change is perhaps the most serious issue in the world, especially for those younger than I am who will have to live in a world which will be more poisoned and polluted than the one I grew up in. This problem has to be dealt with at the highest levels internationally; I would campaign tirelessly to address this problem. We must all do what we can to preserve this earth; it’s the only one we have!

5. Is Britain’s future in Europe?
Great Britain and Ireland are part of Europe and will always remain so. However, I assume the question is really, what is our future with the EU. My view is that the UK’s position in the world will become more prosperous and secure by re-asserting that we are an independent Kingdom. We seek and desire the best trading relationships possible with all the nations in the world, especially English speaking ones and with the EU like that of Turkey’s.

6. Calder High was described by the last Secretary of State for Education as the worst school building he had ever seen. How confident are candidates that any government they are part of would rebuild those schools in our area which urgently need rebuilding.
Very confident. Funds released from scrapping HS2 would be used to regenerate the North by investing in the North.

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch UKIP, both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.


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