Saturday, 21 March 2015


In response to the many hundreds of emails i am receiving on the subject, please find my general reply to all those who have written to me,

"I have received many hundreds of emails on this subject and apologise that I cannot write to each individually.
External polls and my own canvass returns say that the NHS is the single most important issue to electors at the present time.

Of course I fully support the NHS, funded through general taxation and for it to remain free at the point of delivery and need.

I have recently delivered a speech on the NHS and it is available for all to access on my blog (Political Eye)

Some emails have also referred to TTIP and a number of people have already contacted me regarding this matter separately.

I have once again already posted the following response on my Blog and Facebook pages so that my views are in the public domain.

‘I have grave reservations about the nature of the deal and those who are conducting negotiations on behalf of the UK. Having said that, I generally favour free trade arrangements. However, UKIP would not give blanket support to any deal and would either vote against or support individual elements of any proposals on the basis of what is good for the UK.

The NHS should, in our view specifically be excluded from any deal and, whilst Brussels negotiators have come out and said this is also their understanding, we have seen before that what is said and done in Brussels is often not the same thing.

The ideal situation would be for the UK to be outside of the EU and to be negotiating a deal of our own with the USA.’

If there any specific issues you would like me to address, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

I am sure you will all be aware that UKIP has promised an extra £3billion into front line NHS services.

I hope I can count on your support on 7th May"

This is yet another issue issue which just confirms what we all know, Britain would be a better place outside of the EU and making our own trade deals and other arrangements in the world

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch  UKIP,
both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.


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