Tuesday, 28 April 2015

MPs, Hang them all!

A Hung Parliament.  
The Media and the two main Establishment Parties are always seeking one Party Majorities and putting such negative connotations on them, (I wonder why that could be?) BUT
I’m still voting for one!
Hung out to dry;
Hung up to die
Both sound bad but let us not forget that 2000 years ago two establishment forces, The Roman Empire and the Sanhedrin, hung Jesus on a cross to die. BUT none can deny that He was a force for change and good.
Hung Drawn and Quartered……… NOW
That sounds like a good idea to me for the next Parliament. AND
Once the parliament is HUNG……
           Let’s see if it can be QUARTERED

A Healthier Democracy
Just like a Healthy Meal, wouldn’t our democracy be all the healthier if voters were more accurately represented in Parliament, and the Government held better to account by MPs who were more politically diverse?
Rather than calling a Parliament where no one party has an over-all majority ‘hung’, lets call it a ‘balanced’ Parliament instead.
UKIP wants proportional representation; I personally prefer Direct Party Representative (DRS) system. This system has the advantage of being easy to understand, easy to count, inexpensive to implement and still maintains an MP to Constituency link whilst still giving a proper weight to electors votes for a particular party.
Under our present system the Tories need a 10 % lead over Labour in the general polls to have an overall majority. Labour needs just 1-2% over the Tories to have one. UKIP might enjoy 17% of the popular vote generally and yet have only one Westminster seat. The system is hardly fair and, explains why so few people turn out to vote is some constituencies.

Less Flip-Floppery.
In the event of ‘balanced’ parliaments becoming the norm, institutions, civil servants, the media and politicians would all have to act very differently; in fact more responsibly. Politicians would need to act more like political animals than those frightened dogs whipped into obedience which presently are the case. A ‘balanced’ parliament means more stability and better decisions over the long term. Policies would have to be negotiated and compromises made in order to gain a broad consensus before any long term decisions and legislation. The trident replacement, Heathrow enlargement, NHS funding and organisation and, of course HS2 to name but a few!
A strong vote for UKIP may not win a seat in every constituency on this may 7th BUT it will make a massive difference everywhere.

Paul Rogan, UKIP PC, Calder Valley
Office:- 01422 370 849, Mobile:- 07785 220300

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch  UKIP,

both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Population Issues

In response to a request to support the Population Matters manifesto. I have responded as follows:-

Dear Elector
Thank you for your email. This is not a matter I have met on the door step but I am pleased to have received your comments and concerns.

Of course I share them.
I am well aware that England is now more heavily populated than The Netherlands. I might just see my time out in a relatively acceptable way, but what about my son (aged 15) and his children?

I have read through your manifesto and frankly, I cannot find anything which is contrary to UKIP policy or views.

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch  UKIP,
both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.

The full text from Population Matters is as follows:-

As a voter in your constituency, I am asking you to promote and/or support action to slow and ultimately reverse UK and global population growth.
I am among the 1 in 5 women of my generation who did not have children. After graduation I spent my career in public service and have recently seen my circumstances devastated by redundandy and redeployment on a salary lower than I earned last century.

Britain, particularly England, is already one of Europe’s more densely-populated countries and the Office for National Statistics projects that the UK population will increase by between four million and 20 million by 2050.

Among the consequences of population growth are rising living costs, increased national debt and tensions and declining green space, employment opportunities and quality of life. Population growth means we need ever more housing, power and water infrastructure, transport facilities, hospitals and schools. This comes at a huge cost; meanwhile, our ecosystems and landscape are negatively affected.

Recent polls have shown that 80 per cent of voters are concerned about our population size and would prefer it to be smaller. Population Matters chief executive Simon Ross has said, “The ever-increasing size of the UK population is increasing our cost of living and reducing our quality of life. Population growth is damaging both the environment and national security.”

I ask you to support these policies:
1. Make sex and relationships education statutory;
2. Make reducing unplanned pregnancy at all ages a goal;
3. Limit child-related payments or tax reliefs to the first two children per household for children conceived after the policy comes into force, while ensuring that children are protected from poverty;
4. Promote the benefits of small families;
5. Prevent net migration from fuelling national population growth; and
6. Increase the proportion of foreign aid spent on family planning services and women’s empowerment.
These policies are detailed in Population Matters' manifesto.


In response to a number of emails on cycling and safety matter for bike riders, i have sent the following reply

My wife and me are keen Motorhomers and travel with a bike rack and 2 bikes.
Due to my previous injuries, mine is electric assisted; my wife's is pure pedal power.

There is nothing we enjoy more than to park up and ride into a town, city or other point of interest. Sadly most city P+R do not permit this (you have to use their buses) and we have to find alternative parking in order to ride our cycles.

We are often delighted to find dedicated cycle tracks and saddened that they come abruptly to an end meaning we have to join main traffic highways, often incredibly dangerous.

In the unlikely event that I would be elected, UKIP are presently only running at 14% in the local polls, you can be assured I would champion the issues raised by cyclists.

I hope we can count on your support on May 7th. I believe you have 3 votes, General, local and Tod Town Council

Paul Rogan, UKIP PC, Calder Valley
Office:- 01422 370 849, Mobile:- 07785 220300 www.UkipCalderdale.uk 
Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch  UKIP, both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.

-----Original Message-----

As a constituent in Calder Valley, I would be interested to know your views on these five cycling subjects.
·         Leadership and ambition to increase cycling levels.
·         Sustained funding commitment from the national transport budget
·         Cycle-friendly design standards for all new highway and traffic schemes.
·         Improved safety for cycling through strengthening road traffic law and revisions to the Highway Code
·         Positive promotion of cycling including funding of cycle skills training

To submit your views and to view additional information on these cycling topics, please head to:


Please head to http://votebike.org.uk/respond/?cid=349057 to submit your views and to view additional information on these cycling topics.

Huddersfield Examiner

In response to a request for information i have submitted the following:-

Short Biography

I have lived in Calderdale all my working life, since 1981 in Stainland. Now self-employed, I have always been involved in the carpet and carpet yarns industry, starting as a junior at Crossley Carpets at Dean Clough. I have served as a local Councillor for Rastrick putting residents interests first, often in conflict with the local authority.
Too many odds are stacked against us in the north generally and in Calder Valley particularly. We need fresh ideas, plain speaking and determined people to fix this; people like you who will support us; people who will stand up for UKIP’s common sense policies.

(102 words)

Local pledges and core policies

Parents are best placed to care for their children; the same principle goes for the Government of Britain, it is best done by us. That is why UKIP seeks to leave the EU and bring our laws and government back home. This not only enables us to decide upon our own laws but also allows us to be in control of our borders and our territorial waters in addition to saving vast sums of money which can be better spent looking after our sick, elderly and disabled.

Scrapping HS2 means we can use this money to improve the infrastructure and transport links which the North so badly needs. This type of investment will really help to make the North a ‘power house’ once again.

Having control over our borders means we can end immigration for the next 5 years for those seeking low wage jobs. This will help wages for own workers to rise which, when coupled with raising the tax allowance for those on the minimum wage, means a better standard of living for Britons.

UKIP believes we should become less dependent on imported and subsidised energy. Any income from ‘fracking’ will be invested in a fund to pay for care of the elderly.

UKIP is committed to spending a total of £12 billion more on the NHS in England. We believe in keeping the NHS free at the point of need for UK citizens. Visitors from other countries will be required to pay for any health treatments or medicines. This is our National Health Service, not an International Health Service.

We believe in Britain and her people. We will always work to protect our values, our countryside, our living standards and our health service. In short our way of life. It makes common sense.

(296 words)
Paul Rogan, UKIP Candidate for Calder Valley, GE15. 
23rd April, 2015.

Paul Rogan, UKIP PC, Calder Valley
www.UkipCalderdale.uk, Office:- 01422 370 849, Mobile- 07785 220300

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch UKIP, both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Non Binary Rights

In response to an email requesting my support on comments on this campaign, please find the information exchange as follows:-

Dear Jess
Thank you very much indeed for your personal response.
I really appreciate this, as I am sure you can imagine, I receive many hundreds of emails per day since I have declared as a Parliamentary Candidate.
I do try to answer each email (or other contact) and many times this has to be in a ‘standard’ form.

Much as would like to support your cause generally I am sorry to say I cannot give such blanket support as you are asking.
I have much sympathy with your views and could support some of the issues you are campaigning for.
My over-riding difficulty is that I am very much against more functionaries and more rules and more administrations of all of our lives.
The British People have to carry too many of these ‘facilitators’ who, after a very short time, start to extract expenses, allowances and other costs which taxpayers must bear.
Much of what you seek will mean more ‘officers’, cost more money and require more (hated) administrators and consultant generated guidelines.

Why can’t we all live together in concert and at peace with each other without all this costly bull###t.?

I am really not against the freedoms and liberties you are calling for; I just think today’s world is a complicated one and we should try to find ways forward rather than play the age old ‘political’ game of ‘thrones’ which the ‘establishment’ parties force us all into fighting.

Come the ‘People’s Revolution’, we will all sit down together and common sense will prevail.

Best wishes

From: UK Trans Info [mailto:info@uktrans.info]
Sent: 21 April 2015 20:11
To: 'Paul Rogan'
Subject: RE: Support non-binary rights by making our pledge!

Dear Paul,

Many thanks for your email. I can understand why you may feel that us contacting you is “a bit tongue in cheek” but I can assure you that is not the case. We are contacting every single candidate that we are able to, regardless of party. We’ve currently had 574 pledges – that’s 14% of all candidates -  many from candidates who also feel that they are unlikely to win. At time of writing we have had pledges from ten UKIP candidates. You can see a party breakdown here: http://ppc.uktrans.info/parties.php

We don’t believe that it is pointless for candidates with a slim chance of winning to make our pledge. Every person who makes our pledge is helping to raise awareness. When we try to get these issues dealt with in the next five years we can point back and show people that 14% of candidates made our pledge, or 25%, or perhaps even more and that will have an impact especially given cross party support. It also gives people from throughout the UK a rough idea of how the party as a whole handles these issues.

Therefore, even if it is unlikely that you will win, please will you make our pledge?
I pledge:
  • to support expanding the definitions in Equality Act 2010 to ensure all non-binary people are protected.
  • to support reviewing the Gender Recognition Act, with a view to bringing the UK in line with the statement on Identity Recognition issued by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) in January 2015.
  • to support the introduction of non gender-specific X passports, and removing the requirement for a doctors letter when changing the gender marker on a passport.
These changes should be made in full consultation with trans and non-binary people, as well as others who may be impacted by these changes such as intersex people.
Best wishes

UK Trans Info – http://uktrans.info

Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/UKTransInfo
Follow us on Tumblr - https://tumblr.uktrans.info
Follow us on Ello - https://ello.co/uktransinfo

From: Paul Rogan [mailto:rotexco@tiscali.co.uk]
Sent: 21 April 2015 19:34
To: 'UK Trans Info'
Subject: RE: Support non-binary rights by making our pledge!

Dear Elector,
Thank you very much for emailing me. I really do appreciate just how many people are engaged in the democratic process generally, a subject so very dear to my heart, and the upcoming election in particular.
UKIP are presently averaging 14% of the popular vote and, whilst this is a wonderful increase on where we were at the last General Election, we all know this not likely to translate into very many Westminster seats under the present voting system. So, let’s all take a reality check.
I am very unlikely to win in Calder Valley. Whilst miracles do happen and, whilst I think I would be a much better Constituency MP than all of my opponents, we must both accept that your particular email to me is a bit tongue in cheek and therefore my response must reflect the unlikelihood (sadly) that on 8th May I will not be able to put my shoulder behind your particular campaign or cause, even if I wanted to.
As a student of history, I find the 8th of May a particularly interesting date when, after what will have been a hard fought election campaign:-
One, two, three or even more Parties will be haggling over a coalition agreement (pact or whatever you want to call it), which can only at best ‘mirror’ the inadequacies of the Treaty of Versailles.
Please, therefore allow me to make a few personal points about why I am standing, and putting myself in the firing line for UKIP.
1.      Our Hearts are true
2.      Our Policies are sensible and predicated on the best interests of our fellow citizens
3.      Our resources are limited (very limited)
4.      We are not professional politicians
5.      We may sometimes get things wrong, but will always admit our mistakes
6.      We are people just like you; with passions, opinions and concerns
7.      We are trying to make a difference; the ‘Establishment’ is our adversary and they are strong.

I have considered and included specific answers to the many and various issues, like yours, which have been brought to my attention during the campaign. They are to be found on my public blog site, Political Eye. (http://ukipcv.blogspot.co.uk/)

I would really welcome any and all comments or thoughts on this discussion forum. If your specific concern has not already been addressed, please ‘wrap my knuckles’ and I will attend to it immediately.

Whilst our battle against the Establishment will not be easy and, you may not agree with me or with UKIP on every issue, may I please never the less seek your support on 7th May. With luck we will get a ‘Hung Parliament’ and therefore a better chance to see a better democracy in our Country. Unless you are entirely happy with the status quo, the best chance for change is to support UKIP.

As at April first, and this is no joke, I have received leaflets from the ‘Establishment’ as follows:-
Labour                                5
Conservatives                    3 plus 1 advert in a local magazine
Lib-Dems                            2

Where does all the money come from to fund such mass infiltration of our letter boxes?
Doesn’t the piper always call the tune? Isn’t it really dishonest to tell us that he doesn’t?

With kindest regards and thanks for your contact


Paul Rogan, UKIP PC, Calder Valley
Office:- 01422 370 849, Mobile:- 07785 220300
Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch  UKIP,
both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.

From: UK Trans Info [mailto:info@uktrans.info]
Sent: 21 April 2015 19:05
To: paul@UkipCalderdale.uk
Subject: Support non-binary rights by making our pledge!

Dear Candidate,
Non-binary is an umbrella term for people who don't identify entirely as only male or only female, including non-gendered people. Despite roughly 1 in every 250 people being non-binary, there is very little protection for them. That's over quarter of a million people in the UK being treated unfairly by the law.
UK Trans Info have joined up with eight non-binary organisations to ask that candidates in this year's general election acknowledge this and start making changes by taking the following pledge.
I pledge:
  • to support expanding the definitions in Equality Act 2010 to ensure all non-binary people are protected.
  • to support reviewing the Gender Recognition Act, with a view to bringing the UK in line with the statement on Identity Recognition issued by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) in January 2015.
  • to support the introduction of non gender-specific X passports, and removing the requirement for a doctors letter when changing the gender marker on a passport.
These changes should be made in full consultation with trans and non-binary people, as well as others who may be impacted by these changes such as intersex people.
There are three easy ways to register your pledge:
Option 1: Simply reply to this email confirming that you make the pledge and with any short comment you want to make, and our administrators will display your pledge on our website as soon as possible.
Option 2: If you are on Twitter, send a tweet to @UKTransInfo confirming that you want to make a pledge. Your tweet(s) will be displayed on our website once they have been processed by an administrator.
Option 3: Visit our campaign website at ppc.uktrans.info and make your pledge there. You will then need to make sure you click the link in the confirmation email.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this and considering supporting our campaign. We are more than happy to engage further if you have any questions or concerns.
Kind regards
Beyond the Binary, Mx ActivistMx It UpNonbinary Inclusion Project. Non-Binary ScotlandNon-Binary South WestNon-Gendered, Practical Androgyny and UK Trans Info

This is a one-off email from UK Trans Info that has been sent to you as our records indicate you are a Potential Parliamentary Candidate in this year's General Election. You do not need to unsubscribe as this is a one-off email. 

Fair Fuel

In response to a circular email from the Fair Fuel campaign, http://www.fairfueluk.com/

I have sent the following response:-

Of course I support a fairer fuel taxation.
I have been a commercial traveller all my life and I know that the cost of fuel to visit my customers is a massive expense.

I do not agree that UKIP does not support motorists.
We have stated that speed cameras should only be used for road safety and not for cash generation.
UKIP will end road tolls wherever possible
We oppose ‘pay as you go’ road charging systems
We would support British HGV drivers by charging foreign lorries extra to use our roads.
UKIP would roll back the VED exemption for classic vehicles to 25 years.

We are seeking to reduce energy bills generally by supporting ‘fracking’.

I hope I can count on your support on May 7th.
The other Parties have turned their back on motorists for decades. Isn’t time to give some one else a chance?

We believe in Britain.

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch  UKIP,

both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.

The full email is as follows:-

I, and 1.1m supporters of the FairFuelUK Campaign, simply do not know why your Party has not mentioned any positive policy news for 32m motorists in your Party's Manifesto. From your Party's silence, I can only assume your Party if elected will indeed be increasing Fuel Duty on top of the highest tax take in the EU that we already now pay to the Exchequer.

FairFuelUK has shown to the Treasury that stable pump prices, cutting duty and recent fortuitous lower global oil prices has put £10bn back into consumer spending power. Jobs are increasing, GDP is up and inflation almost zero. It's no coincidence that these welcome economic benefits have taken place with fuel prices considerably lower than 12 months ago and with Labour's previously planned fuel tax hikes being stopped. So, please tell me what is your Party's position on the future of Fuel Duty levels and also what is your own personal position when it comes to supporting motorists and commercial drivers in your constituency?

I also want to know why your Party has not supported FairFuelUK's call for a full and transparent CMA inquiry into pricing at the pumps. We continue to fleeced by unknown commercial bodies when oil price changes are not accurately reflected both in terms of timing and fair amounts. I really do appreciate your time to answer these questions.

Please let me know your answers to my questions as soon as possible, as how you respond may well influence the way I vote on May 7th.

Lawrence wrote:- Thank you for your prompt reply, however you have completely failed to answer any of the questions which were contained in the original e.mail, those being future duty levels, and an enquiry into pricing at the pumps. I am very interested in a direct reply to these points instead of replying with other points your party supports.
I replied:- I support your aims in principle, as I have said in my opening remarks.
I am unable to give specific support to any campaign proposals which have not been fully costed and incorporated into our budget and fiscal plans.

I am sure you agree aware that it is very unlikely that UKIP will win in Calder Valley, we are presently running at only 14% in the polls. However, I am sure you will appreciate that any promises we make are ones we can deliver.

Unlike my opponents who promise everybody what they want and then, in my view, will not be able to deliver on their promises!

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Farmers, there are problems ahead

In response to a question to MEP Stuart Agnew I have received the following reply.

Beef farmers are under a real threat from the Mercosor and TTIP trade deals being made by the EU with South and North America respectively. The EU wish to export high tech goods from Eurozone countries and will allow cheap beef in, in return. The UK will have to go along with whatever the EU negotiates on our behalf.

Leaving the EU will allow us to negotiate our own trade deals with the Americas, where our own food security will be considered. We will also negotiate a trade deal with the EU. We have a very strong hand to play here as we are their biggest single customer. They want to sell us cars and wine. We want to sell them lamb, etc.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Dear Josh

Dear Josh,
In response to your email.

This is not a horse race between your team and the blue team, it is a horse trade.
You are both as bad as each other, promising the world and unable to deliver anything.
I am sick of hearing you and the ‘blue team’ continually trying to out bid each other with goodies. Your ‘Red Team’ are most guilty of promising more and better ‘sweeties’ if voters support your ‘Disney Land’ rather than the Tories ‘Centre Parks’. I will be sad if people fall for such blatant electioneering, but I accept that they may do.
The only vote which will free the British people from the shackles of the EU and likes of you and Whittaker is a vote for UKIP.

Our Peoples Revolution may not happen tomorrow but it will happen and, when it does it will sweep all the old establishment power games, such as yours, into history.
I pray that day comes soon. The air will smell much sweeter.

Yours and Labour’s tactic to ‘weaponise’ the NHS is disgraceful and disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself for playing poker with our Nation’s Treasure.

Whilst on the subject of weapons, your personal stance to leave this country defenceless and without a proper deterrent is quite irresponsible and demonstrates how easily you are influenced by the ‘loony left’ and how immature your politics and your knowledge of history are.

Frankly I am surprised that you have written to me personally, giving me this opportunity to respond, also personally and directly. This may have been a mistake in your administration, however I prefer to believe that there is perhaps some spark of destiny in this action and that one day soon, you may also feel that the ‘Independent’ way is the only way to protect the freedoms, liberties and living standards of the British People which you claim so fervently to support.

Kind regards
Paul Rogan, UKIP PC, Calder Valley
Office:- 01422 370 849, Mobile:- 07785 220300
Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch  UKIP,

both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.

I'm a retired psychiatric nurse; last worked for the NHS in 2003. Labour failed to recruit nurses then, and wrecked the NHS with over-spending on multi-layered management, and using vast numbers of incompetent agency nursing assistants, each costing more than a qualified nurse. And then there was PFI.  
Labour are guilty of hypocrisy and empty promises.
Your reply was excellent.  Regards, Pete.

Thats good stuff Paul, like it. Needs to be made more public. Robert.

Well he gave you an opportunity, you took it and what a reply! I forwarded to Mike and he was impressed too. I rather suspect though that the likes of Josh are not only thick, but also thick skinned! Lisa.

Thanks Paul very well responded. David

Monday, 20 April 2015

Labour says NO to Trident

It's confirmed in print, if elected Josh F-G would even defy a 3 line Party Whip and leave our country without proper defence!

Sunday, 19 April 2015

100 Reasons to vote UKIP

1. Get Britain out of the European Union
2. Get control of immigration with an Australian-style, points-based immigration system
3. £3bn more, annually, into our NHS which desperately needs it
4. Scrap tuition fees for students studying Science, Tech, Engineering, Maths, or Medical degrees
5. Pay greater attention to elderly care across the country
6. Cutting £9bn from our foreign aid budget
7. Give the people the ability to “recall” their MPs, without parliamentary or MP approval
8. Stopping our endless, foreign wars
9. Promoting a British identity, as opposed to failed multiculturalism
10. Allowing existing schools to become grammar schools
11. Ending PFI privatisation of the NHS, proliferated by Labour and the Tories
12. Ensuring our armed services are properly equipped for when we do need them
13. Establishing a Veteran’s Administration to look after those who looked after us
14. Encouraging inward investment with growth markets, not JUST the failing Eurozone
15. Overcoming the unfairness of MPs from devolved nations voting on English laws
16. Cutting bureaucracy, red tape, and wasteful spending from government departments
17. Cutting the same bureaucracy that hinders small businesses and entrepreneurs
18. Supporting our farmers with a Single Farm Payment Scheme
19. Ending the burdensome “green levies” that have added £000s to our energy bills
20. Scrapping the poorly planned HS2 project, saving up to £50bn
21. Opposing tolls on public roads – we’ve already paid for them
22. Supporting bus passes for pensioners with the support of local authorities
23. Foreign vehicles to require Britdisc passes to contribute to our roads they use
24. Ending the use of speed cameras as revenue raisers – they should be a deterrent
25. Protecting our green belt
26. A central list of brownfield sites for developers
27. Houses on brownfield sites to be Stamp Duty exempt on first sale
28. VAT relaxed for redevelopment of brownfield sites
29. Local referenda for large-scale development, if triggered by 5% of electorate
30. Introducing the ability for citizens to initiate national referenda
31. Withdrawing from the European Court of Human Rights
32. Reversing the government’s opt-in to the European Arrest Warrant
33. Negotiating bi-lateral agreements to replace EAW
34. No votes for prisoners
35. Full prison sentences should be served, parole on case-by-case basis
36. Replacing the Human Rights Act with a British Bill of Rights
37. Official documents to be published primarily in English
38. Cracking down on honour killings, female genital mutilation, and forced marriages
39. Reviewing the BBC licence fee with a view to reducing it
40. Taking non-payment of the licence fee out of the criminal sphere
41. Amend the smoking ban to promote choice for ventilated smoking rooms
42. Opposing plain packs for cigarettes, which has had no impact where trialled
43. Promoting the employment of young, British workers
44. Repealing the Agency Workers Directive
45. Encouraging councils to provide more free parking on High Streets
46. Simplifying planning regulations for long-term empty commercial properties
47. Extending the right of appeal for micro businesses against Revenue and Customs
48. Negotiating bespoke trade agreements with EU member states and worldwide
49. Reoccupying our seat at the World Trade Organisation
50. Abolishing inheritance tax
51. Introducing a 35p income tax rate between £42,285 and £55,000 – taking many public sector workers out of higher rate of tax
52. Setting up a Treasury Commission to make sure big corporations pay their way in taxes
53. Abolishing the Dept of Energy and Climate Change and rolling retained functions into DEFRA
54. Introducing an Apprenticeship Qualification for students who don’t want to do non-core GCSEs
55. Scrapping the arbitrary 50% target for university attendance
56. Students from the EU to pay the same as International Students
57. Introducing more power for parents: OFSTED to investigate schools on petition signed by 25% of parents or governors
58. Guaranteeing a job in the police, prison, or border forces for anyone who has served 12 years in the Armed Forces
59. Priority social housing for ex-service men and women, and those returning from service
60. Veterans to receives Veteran’s Card to ensure they’re supported in event of mental health care and more
61. All entitlements to be extended to servicemen and women recruited from overseas
62. Establishing a National Service Medal for all those who have served
63. Encouraging local authorities to buy out their PFI contracts where affordable
64. Ensuring GP’s surgeries are open at least one evening per week where demand permits
65. Ensuring migrants have NHS-approved health insurance until they have paid into the system for 5 years
66. Ending hospital car parking charges
67. Replacing bureaucratic watchdogs with locally elected health boards for more transparency
68. Stopping the sale of patient data to big business
69. Ensuring a high standard of English speakers in the NHS
70. Amend working time rules to give trainee doctors, surgeons, and medics better environments
71. Encouraging and protecting whistleblowing to get to the bottom of poor performance
72. Ensuring migrants have jobs and accommodation before they can come to the UK
73. Migrants will only be eligible for residency after 10 years’ working here
74. Reinstating the primary purpose rule, bringing an end to sham marriage migration
75. No amnesty for illegal immigrants, or those gaining UK passports via fraud
76. Protecting genuine refugees by returning to the UN Convention of Refugees principles
77. British companies to be prioritised to deliver foreign aid contracts
78. Repealing the Climate Change Act 2008 which costs the economy £18n per year
79. Scrapping the Large Combustion Plant directive and redevelop UK power stations
80. Supporting the development of UK Shale Gas with proper safeguards
81. No new taxpayer subsidy for wind farms
82. Leaving the Common Agricultural Policy
83. Allowing parliament to vote on GM foods
84. Reinstating British territorial waters
85. Food to be labelled with country of origin, method of production, method of slaughter and more
86. Ban live animal exports for slaughter
87. Scrapping the Bedroom Tax
88. Child benefit only for children permanently resident in the UK
89. Future child benefit to be limited to first two children only
90. Ensuring an initial presumption of 50-50 parenting on child custody matters
91. Safeguarding visitation rights for grandparents
92. Supporting a streamlined welfare system and a benefit cap
93. Enrolling unemployed benefits claimants into workfare or community schemes
94. Placing revenues from shale gas into a Sovereign Wealth Fund to ensure future growth and security
95. Emphasising the immediate need to utilise forgotten British infrastructure like Manston Airport
96. No cuts to frontline policing
97. Prioritising social housing for those whose parents and grandparents were born locally
98. Reaffirming British laws, rather than allowing dual-track legal systems for minorities in the UK
99. Promoting patriotism and the importance of British values in our schools
100. Rebalancing Britain’s economy

I saw this on a variety of social media, it's not written by me but i thought it rather good.

Paul Rogan, UKIP PC, Calder Valley
www.UkipCalderdale.uk, Office:- 01422 370 849, Mobile- 07785 220300

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch UKIP, both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Trident, defence and Labour in Calder Valley

Last night Labour’s prospective candidate in Calder Valley was more than happy to make clear at the Hustings Meeting at Todmorden Town Hall that, if elected he would defy any three line whip and vote against a renewal of our Trident Nuclear deterrent defence system.

He further confirmed that, in his view getting rid of Trident should be agreed in order to conclude a coalition agreement with the two separatist parties, SNP and Plaid as well as the Greens.

After hearing this, it occurred to me that no matter what Ed Milliband might protest to the contrary, he would be facing a back bench revolt when it came to Labour’s own manifesto promises concerning the defence of our Country.

There we have it, from the horse’s mouth and before a room full of Todmorden folk. (If you don’t believe me, ask the Vicar). Trident would go; the back bone of this countries defence within NATO would go and a coalition with the ‘Three Lefty Ladies’ would govern the Country through Red Ed for the next 5 years.

What a prospect.
Last night Labour’s prospective candidate in Calder Valley was more than happy to make clear at the Hustings Meeting at Todmorden Town Hall that, if elected he would defy any three line whip and vote against a renewal of our Trident Nuclear deterrent defence system.

He further confirmed that, in his view getting rid of Trident should be agreed in order to conclude a coalition agreement with the two separatist parties, SNP and Plaid as well as the Greens.
After hearing this, it occurred to me that no matter what Ed Milliband might protest to the contrary, he would be facing a back bench revolt when it came to Labour’s own manifesto promises concerning the defence of our Country.

There we have it, from the horse’s mouth and before a room full of Todmorden folk. (If you don’t believe me, ask the Vicar). Trident would go; the back bone of this countries defence within NATO would go and a coalition with the ‘Three Lefty Ladies’ would govern the Country through Red Ed for the next 5 years.

What a prospect.

If that’s what English people want, those who would traditionally support Labour, in 3 weeks time they should go ahead and vote Labour again. If however, they would rather rely on proper defences to protect us from mad Russians and deranged Koreans (to name but 2), better support UKIP.

Paul Rogan PC UKIP Calder Valley

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch UKIP, both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.

George M Simpson- Bon Route

Today is a sad day for me; saying goodbye to my friend George.

George had a razor sharp mind and many other gifts and talents besides.

If there was something which interested him, and there was not much which didn't interest George, he would leave no stone unturned to research the subject diligently. He would then form an opinion and be able to advance his view eloquently and with authority.

George was always prepared to give his time, intellect and enthusiasm when asked for advice. He often formed opinions which were contrary to the ones you wanted to hear, but never the less he never lost patience and only ever offered his help with complete friendship in mind.

George was no closet patriot. He served and fought for his country in the last war. He was proud to be English and raised the flag of St George every day on his flag pole.

George was a good friend, a willing and knowledgeable advisor and an excellent mentor. I will miss him very much. The Brighouse area and Clifton in particular will be an emptier and poorer place with out him.

But do you know? Being positive was George’s way; and in line with this approach I now want to think of him in his red Triumph Stag with Margaret, touring sites of unparalleled beauty in the mountains in the sky, stopping off in hotels offering excellent service but at modest costs.                       

Bon route George

Monday, 13 April 2015

Colour Tribalisim

For those fixated with their 'Team' colours and finding it hard to choose between the two 'establishment' Parties
MIX Red AND Blue
You get UKIP

UK    OK

Logos, keeping it in the family?

All they needed was LOVE?

All WE need is a well Hung Parliament........

Courier Questions

The Halifax Courier have, like so many others, sent a list of questions to candidates. Here are my responses.

1. Critics have said that successive governments have failed on immigration. What are your views on this issue?

Not only failed but failed miserably. I would like to see a points based immigration system as presently used in Australia to slash the volume of migration.

2. Record numbers of people are in work, yet there has been an increase in food banks and more than 700,000 people are on zero-hours contracts. What are your views on this issue?

We would restrict cheap labour from outside Britain, which is holding wages down, giving British working people the prospect of pay rises that will improve their living standards. Additionally we will scrap income tax on the minimum wage by raising the personal allowance to at least £13,000. British companies will be permitted to favour British job applicants without the risk of being sued for discrimination – At long last making a reality of the idea of "British jobs for British workers".

3. The closure of Calderdale Royal Hospital has neither been ruled-in or ruled-out by health minister Jane Ellison. What are your views on this issue?

The NHS is too precious to be used as a political football. The fact is both main Parties have failed the NHS and both have increased privatisation. I would support recommendations from health professionals tasked to provide the best possible care for all, free at the point of need and delivery.

4. The number of young people suffering from mental illness has risen sharply over the past decade. What are your views on this issue?

I would seek information and recommendations from specialist Mental Health professionals. My instinct would be to look at what has changed in young people’s lives over the last decade and make this a starting point.

5. Some businesses often complain that young people aren't equipped with the necessary skills for the workplace. What are your views on this issue?

We must educate and train our young people better and prepare them for work. Focused and individual learning plans are key to improving each young person’s skills by the time they are 18. One size does not fit all and never will.

6. It’s twice as hard for disabled people to gain employment and those unable to work have seen cuts to benefits and care provision. What are your views on this issue?

Our benefits system must be geared to be a safety net for those born here and who are in need. That is it’s purpose and it should fulfil that purpose adequately. Encouraging companies, through discounts on business rates, to take on registered disabled people should be considered.

7. What is your favourite novel and why?

Mila 18. It deals with humanity at all levels. It demonstrates how inhumanity is all too easily brought to the surface. It is the first book I read in both English and German.

Paul Rogan, UKIP PC, Calder Valley
www.UkipCalderdale.uk, Office:- 01422 370 849, Mobile- 07785 220300

Promoted, published & printed by Paul Rogan on behalf of himself & Calderdale Branch UKIP, both at 363 Stainland Rd, Stainland, HX4 9HF.

Transport questions for parliamentary candidates

Transport questions for parliamentary candidates

UCVR (Upper Calder Valley Renaissance) Sustainable Transport Group seek the views of parliamentary candidates on transport policy.

1.    Q. Can you tell us what will be your 3 biggest priorities for transport policy, if you are elected as MP for Calder Valley?
A.    -My policy is to improve it; the 3 things on my list are:
·       Hipperholme Junction
·       Traffic relief through the valley
·       More trans Pennine infrastructure

2.    Q. How do you think we can achieve a transport system that is low in carbon use and good for people’s health?
A.    -More use of rail

3.    Q. What changes do we need, if any, to local and regional government to plan and deliver transport change across Yorkshire and the north of England?

A.    -As soon as I hear the words, local and regional government hairs go up on my neck. This lot will just seek to employ more people and get no where. The lead, direction & policy must come from Westminster and ‘guidance’ issued to lower tiers of administration.